Best Practices

Dickinson County Title, Inc. is proudly ALTA Best Practice Certified

The American Land Title Association (ALTA) Best Practices are guidelines developed to help title and settlement companies protect consumers, ensure accurate and compliant real estate transactions, and promote market confidence. These best practices are designed to enhance transparency, accountability, and trust in the title and settlement industry.


  • Maintain proper licenses to conduct business as a settlement service provider.

Escrow Trust Accounting

  • Safeguard client funds by maintaining appropriate controls and procedures for escrow trust accounts.
  • Implement daily reconciliation and review of accounts to prevent theft or loss.

Privacy and Information Security

  • Establish a written privacy and information security program to protect non-public personal information (NPI).
  • Limit access to NPI based on need-to-know criteria.

Settlement Procedures

  • Adopt and maintain procedures to ensure the prompt and accurate delivery of title insurance policies after closing.
  • Implement effective internal controls and monitoring for policy production and delivery.

Title Policy Production

  • Ensure timely issuance of title policies by tracking and monitoring the entire production process.
  • Maintain accurate and complete records of title policies

Professional Liability Insurance Coverage

Maintain appropriate professional liability insurance and fidelity coverage to protect against errors, omissions, and employee dishonesty.

Consumer Complaints

Develop a written procedure for receiving, addressing, and documenting consumer complaints to ensure timely resolution and ongoing improvement.